So it's been a busy start to the year and I have been loving how enSoul has been growing and I also feel very blessed with being able to work in areas that I adore. BUT I fear I have not been a good example or taking the message I like to share with so many others to heart. Lately I have become lazy, I am not breathing through situations, I am not eating nourishing food, I am not finding time for myself and my own meditation practice which means I am not letting go of so many things in my life I can't control - which causes suffering. The end result for me is now I am unwell. I don't feel centered, I have no extra energy, I can't concentrate properly nor can I switch off completely.

I have symptoms of my lupus in my life, sore joints, sluggish organs, lesions, chronic fatigue,
sun sensitivity - I am a bit grumpy. My skin is playing up and my hair is thinning. Wow it's hard to be honest but I tried to cut corners and put myself on some medication when I knew all along I know the answers lie in my lifestyle. I feel like I am at ground floor in terms of my mind/body/spirit health and I thought it's a great chance to share with you all and see how quickly and cheaply I can turn this around. Some of you might like to join me with improving their health.Today I increase my water intake by double. Because I exercise quite a bit I need to drink a little more than the 8 recommended glasses a day. I am going to have 10 glasses of water (warm or cold) a day. I am starting the day with 3 glasses before I eat to re-hydrate from the sleep. I am aiming for one of those 3 glasses to be warm with some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in it.I am also going to have at least 2 cups of green tea a day.
I already use daily affirmations, it's quite fun actually and can be meditative in itself. Find yourself one that resonates with you. I am using one that is soothing for my mind but also up lifting. Divine Love, Divine Mind, Harmony. This was given to me by a life coach Bruce Martin from Master Systems in Christchurch (highly recommend this guru.)I am also going to find time to meditate and give myself Reiki. I like to break my goals down to help ease on in so today I ran a bath, a candle and some incense and sat in the nice warm bath concentrating on my breathing for 5 mins. It was amazing.Phew that was quite hard for me to write - attached to the feeling that I should have my shit together 100% on the spiritual/health thing - I will let go of that on an exhale lol.
Sending you all Love and Light