Today I rose a little earlier than normal to fit my meditation in. I am no meditation expert and find it so important as my little mind wonders often to near and far places. Because I am quite a novice I tend to like to use meditation props to help me stay focused and on track. What I mean by meditation props is the use of music, candles, incense, imagery or in my case today mala beads. In true meditation you would be so deep that you wouldn't need any props to calm you or focus you but I think I am a wee way off that. My Mala Meditation Beads (as pictured below) are used for my Reiki Healing they are Chrystal healing stones arranged to be healing for our chakras and it is really lovely to take turn holding a bead and breathing a few rounds of breath on each bead.My experience today was blissful, but it's not always the case.

Today because it was the first time in ages it was so lovely to relax the mind and body. Sometimes when I try to meditate I get irritated and bothered and I have to sit and work through it.I love dawn and dusk so find that if I meditate early in the morning I get a lot out of this time of the day. Also by being up earlier than normal I have easily managed my 2 glasses of water and a warm lemon water before breakfast.I am going to aim for 20 mins of meditation each day this week with various props. Tomorrow I will try it to meditation music. Comment under my post if you have a meditation you would like to share!!I feel so much more focused and ready to teach my yoga classes and my massage clients today after only 20 mins.Hope you all find 5 mins for yourself today.
Love and Light
Namaste Shans